The Reason for the Season

Fr. Mark and I discuss the true meaning for the Christmas season. He also shares where the first nativity scene started.

The Reason for the Season

Fr. Mark and I discuss the true meaning for the Christmas season. He also shares where the first nativity scene started. Share the podcast with your friends and family. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Help us to reach more people by leaving a rating and review on the show on iTunes.

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Merry Christmas!

The Regular Catholic Guy

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One thought on “The Reason for the Season

  • Jack Urban

    Here are my Christmas Traditions:
    Early in my life when both my Grandmothers were still alive, my mom, dad, sister and I would visit both on Christmas Eve. After we ate dinner, we would leave cookies out for Santa. My sister and I would make our way out to the car with mom pulling up the rear, open our gifts from both grandmothers at their homes . We would head for home afterwards where we would find that Santa ate the cookies and left us our presents. We would open presents on Christmas Eve. We would finish the evening with midnight mass.
    Later in life near the end of my parents’ lives on Christmas Eve, I would make Quiche Lorainne and French Onion Soup. It was the highlight meal of the year for both my parents. The recipes were from my old high school French teacher. I would make enough so that mom and dad would enjoy the food all week long. The family would open gifts and go to midnight mass if there wasn’t a Christmas Eve mass at our parish.
    Now that my parents are both gone, I still make Quiche and French Onion soup but I share it with my neighbors assuming they want to partake in my tradition. I usually serve Christmas Eve mass as an EMHC at my church. It’s my way of giving back and keep at least some tradition alive.

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