Have You Found What You Are Looking For?


As men we are on a journey. Our culture teaches us to seek money, power and to climb the corporate ladder.  As we accomplish and accumulate more and more we find ourselves to still be searching and finding an emptiness in ourselves that we can’t seem to fill.

Like the U2 song, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, we are still continuously looking for what can fill the emptiness. We are seeking to fill the void left in our hearts. It is something deep in our souls.

Some of us learn that while we are running towards money, positions of power and accumulation of material things, we are running away from something. We sense we are being chased by someone or something.

What is chasing us? God the Father is chasing us. He wants to fill that interior void we feel. He knows that He is the only thing that can fill this void. We are His adopted sons. Like a good father He wants His children to feel His love and to spend time with Him.

Many men are chased their whole lives and never learn what it means to experience His love and fill that void. When we allow ourselves to be caught by God we can develop a relationship with Him and His son Jesus. We learn that what we have been chasing is this relationship with our Father.

What are you chasing?


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