Blocking and Tackling for Regular Catholic Guys

It is fall and football season has kicked off. This is a favorite time of the year for many men. It is also a time to remind us of the fundamentals. Just like in football our Catholic faith has fundamentals as well. The better we become at these fundamentals the holier men we become.

Here are the 10 Regular Catholic Guy fundamentals:

  1. Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
  2. Say grace before meals even if you are at a restaurant
  3. Pray with your wife daily
  4. Pray with your kids daily
  5. Read Scripture daily
  6. Go to confession – Strive to go monthly
  7. Attend Eucharistic Adoration Weekly – Strive for 1 hour per week
  8. Start and end your day with prayer
  9. Do a daily examination of your conscience
  10. Pray the Rosary daily – Start with a decade

These are some fundamentals that we all need to work on perfecting. We are all called to be saints. We may feel it is impossible to attain, but everyone in heaven is a saint. We all want to get to heaven. The alternative is not good.  Let’s get to work on the fundamentals.

God Bless!


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